Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The sounds outside our classroom....

What was it? Well....

The afternoon had come to an end. I wandered back to my classroom and found my long lost desk. It had been some time since I had sat down. Students had left pencils scatter about on the floor. There is a privacy folder left on one desk, why....I just don't know. I swivel in my chair to begin grading. Today was a busy day...which mean...I have a busy evening a head of me.  Then, I hear it again!  The students had asked earlier, "What is that crying sound coming from the window?" I quickly responded with, "I don't know, but we don't have time to worry about it. Let's keep reading." So sitting on the carpet, we did just that. WE READ.  Here I am 45 minutes later and there is still crying. "I must be loosing my mind," I pondered to myself. I turn around in my swivel chair. The sun is peeking through just the bottom of my blinds. The projector is pulled down and I can't see anything. I stand up and creep over to look out the window. I just knew it had to be a lost baby. Here at Schiff, you hear all sorts of just never know what it could be. Well, believe it or not (I know I didn't at first)...there was a GOAT outside my window. At first I was captivated with his cuteness, his little ears and small nose. He even reminded me of my little dog (actually he is quite big) Gino.  Then I started to wonder... why in the world is a GOAT at Schiff Elementary and why is it outside my window?  Then appeared Miss Rahaman shouting for joy in my doorway, "Did you hear? Did you hear? We are having a goat at GO GREEN?!"

Even when you think it has been a normal day, things turn CRAZY :)
(It's really was a goat!)


Anonymous said...

that must have beenweird and scary to see a goat out of your window!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It was for go green. IT WAS AWESOME!!! The goats ears were so big!



you were THERE?

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