Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Expository Example

Home of the Fighting Texas Aggies
Whoop! A sea of endless Maroon and people shouting  “howdy” is no other than the great Aggie Land. When I close my eyes and think of one place that has changed my life, College Station, home to the Fighting Texas Aggies, comes to mind.
            Down! Set! Hut! The best part about Aggie Land is Kyle Field. When you enter the stadium on game day, instantly you feel at home. People will stand in lines to get their cokes, hot dogs, and prepare for kick off. The stadium is a roar of laughter and hollering fans cheering on their team. You can feel the spirit as soon as you enter the gates. At every Aggie Football game the fans can be found standing on their feel screaming, “Gig em Aggies!” I remember my very first football game. It was my freshman year of college. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. After I found my seat, or should I say bench there is no sitting at Aggie games, my heart dropped.
            Whether to attend a game of the Fighting Texas Aggies, be welcomed by all the friendly residents or hear the core band play, Aggie Land is truly my special place. When I’m lost, sad, or just plain bored, I know I can load up my car and head to College Station for a good time.

Grammar Test Friday

The three grammar rules that will be tested this week all have to do with commas:

Using commas in a list or series- if a list or series three items or more are in a sentence, the items need to be separated by commas. (Ex. Rover got a bath, went for walk, and burried a bone.)

Using commas with dependent clauses- A dependent clause does not express a complete thought. When found at the begining of a sentence, it needs to be separated by a comma. (ex. As the marching band went by, we cheered and yelled.)

Using commas with appositives- An appositive is a word or phrase that is another way to say the noun or pronoun in front of it and needs to be separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. (ex. Mrs. Tomlinson, our science teacher, says that animals have adaptations to help them survive.)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Unit Objectives

Reading- As we continue looking at expository text, students will focus on author’s purpose and determining importance. When we infer when need evidence to help us to determine what is important in the text. On Friday the students will take a quiz on author’s purpose and inferring in expository texts.
Writing- We will write an expository piece on Monday to assess student strengths and weaknesses in expository writing. We will then begin brainstorming and prewriting for our first graded expository piece.
Math – This week students will be extending their knowledge of multiplication. They will be learning new methods and strategies for solving problems involving 2-digit times 2-digit numbers as well as how to recognize when to multiply in a Story Problem. We will also review for the District Assessment on Monday and Take the Assessment on Tuesday.  This will help us to know what the students have mastered since the beginning of the school year.
Science  This week students will continue our unit on forms of energy by exploring sound energy. We will learn about sound waves, parts of the ear, and characteristics of sound like pitch and volume.
Social Studies – This week we continue learning about the colonization of Texas along with the key people who helped make settlement possible.  Colonization vocabulary will be sent home on Wednesday for a quiz next week. There will be an open note quiz  on the colonization of Texas and its key on Friday.

Another example

Library Lounge

A sea of books and shelves of magazines can only be at one place the library. It fills my heart with joy. When I close my eyes I think about my favorite place and the library is my top pick. I am like a banker the library is my bank books are as valuable as money.
          Here, there, and everywhere. Books are all over the place, but that does not mean that it’s hard to find the book I want. If I want a non-fiction book I go to the non-fiction section. The fantasy books are labeled a-z for easy access. If I need to find a long lost book I go to the computers and look it up. I don’t have to go thru random isles searching for a perfect book. Signs guide me through the building. Without them the library would be a maze. Wherever I look I see signs that say graphic novels on the left and mysteries on the right. There are even signs for computers and games. Colorful stickers sit on the end of the books so a 5th grader won’t take a junie b. Jones book an a 1st grader won’t take a dictionary. When I was 3 and went to the library for the first time I was shocked at how amazing every thing was organized. All I had to do was blink and the book I wanted was there. Finding a book is a breeze in the library.
          I will never forget all the times I have gone to the library. I can have fun by playing on the computer or by checking out books.

Expository Example

The garbage man, my denstist or the quarter back for the Houston Texans all get my blood boiling. They are important people in my life. The person that changes my life everyday and touches my heart is my mom. She loves me unconditionally and will always be at my side.
Mom! The word is so simple but means so much! She is my backbone. When I’m scared, she will always help me. If I’m lost, Mom helps me find the way. But the reason my mom is most important to me is because she helps me with my homework.  Math can be one of my most challenging subjects.  Every day I love to come home, wolf down a snack, and dig into my studies.  When I pull out my math book, I know in just seconds I will find my mom snuggling up close to help me find the answers. She doesn’t tell me the answers she walks me through it. We start with number each time and eventually will end up at 50.  She will questions me, “Jaylynn do you think you did your best?” Math is easier with my mom by myside. Two digit multiplication was my biggest fear. The test was coming up and I felt sick to my stomach. WE spent hours studying books, quizzes, homeworks, interest sites just to help me be prepared.  Days later, I got my test back and aced it.  So my mom is important for many reason but the most important reason is she helps me with my Math homework.
So whether I am scared to death, about to pull my hair out with homework or just need a friend, my mom is my most important person.