Reading- As we continue looking at expository text, students will focus on author’s purpose and determining importance. When we infer when need evidence to help us to determine what is important in the text. On Friday the students will take a quiz on author’s purpose and inferring in expository texts.
Writing- We will write an expository piece on Monday to assess student strengths and weaknesses in expository writing. We will then begin brainstorming and prewriting for our first graded expository piece.
Math – This week students will be extending their knowledge of multiplication. They will be learning new methods and strategies for solving problems involving 2-digit times 2-digit numbers as well as how to recognize when to multiply in a Story Problem. We will also review for the District Assessment on Monday and Take the Assessment on Tuesday. This will help us to know what the students have mastered since the beginning of the school year.
Science – This week students will continue our unit on forms of energy by exploring sound energy. We will learn about sound waves, parts of the ear, and characteristics of sound like pitch and volume.
Social Studies – This week we continue learning about the colonization of Texas along with the key people who helped make settlement possible. Colonization vocabulary will be sent home on Wednesday for a quiz next week. There will be an open note quiz on the colonization of Texas and its key on Friday.
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