Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Expository Example

Home of the Fighting Texas Aggies
Whoop! A sea of endless Maroon and people shouting  “howdy” is no other than the great Aggie Land. When I close my eyes and think of one place that has changed my life, College Station, home to the Fighting Texas Aggies, comes to mind.
            Down! Set! Hut! The best part about Aggie Land is Kyle Field. When you enter the stadium on game day, instantly you feel at home. People will stand in lines to get their cokes, hot dogs, and prepare for kick off. The stadium is a roar of laughter and hollering fans cheering on their team. You can feel the spirit as soon as you enter the gates. At every Aggie Football game the fans can be found standing on their feel screaming, “Gig em Aggies!” I remember my very first football game. It was my freshman year of college. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. After I found my seat, or should I say bench there is no sitting at Aggie games, my heart dropped.
            Whether to attend a game of the Fighting Texas Aggies, be welcomed by all the friendly residents or hear the core band play, Aggie Land is truly my special place. When I’m lost, sad, or just plain bored, I know I can load up my car and head to College Station for a good time.


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