I graduated from Texas A&M in 2007. I have been married for 4 years and love living back in the Houston area. I have a doberman named Gino who has more personality than I can handle at times. I love to shop, read, and exercise. I am starting my 6th year of teaching and look forward to another great school year.
By: Nathan Bransford Summary By: Michael Fernandez Who: Meet Jacob Wonderbar. He is a sixth-grader , and his teacher is Ms.Banks. When he i...
Week of Feb 3-8
12/3- Pustejovky’s Class Skating
12/4- Chick-Fil-A Night
12/4- Futura Spanish Class 3:15-4:15
12/4- Girl Scout Meeting 6:15pm
12/6- Science District Assessment
12/6- Mad Science Class 3:15-4:15
12/7- Sienna Montessori Holiday
Program 6:30-9:30pm
12/10- PTA Board Meeting 8:30am
12/11- Futura Spanish Class 3:15-4:15
12/11- Cub Scout Meeting 6:45pm
12/13- Mad Science Class 3:15-4:15
12/13- Dads & Desserts 6:30-7:30pm
12/14- Kona Ice 2:30pm
12/18- Pepperoni’s Night!
12/18- Futura Spanish Class 3:15-4:15
12/20- “Holiday in Sharkville”
12/20- 4th and 5th Grade Science Fair Parent Info Night
12/20- Holiday Program 6:00pm
12/21- Holiday Program 1:15
12/21- Holiday Party 2:00-3:0012/21- End of 2nd 9 Weeks
Wish List
Throughout the year we go through a plentiful of supplies. If you would like to donate any of the items below, it would be greatly appreciated. :)
-Small Pencil Sharpeners
-Colored Card stock
-Small items for treasure box
it means that if you want to do somthing go for it and try your best when you do it.
it means to follow your dreams and if it doesn't turn out like you want it to then you should know you tried your best trying to reach it.
It means that you can do whatever you want when you grow up. Be who you want to be. Acomplish your goal, there are some suprises in life. get ready...
It means you can be who ever you want to be. If somebody says you cant dot just ignore them. You can do anything!
-Hannah- (I meant to write my name)
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