By: Nathan Bransford
Summary By: Michael Fernandez
Meet Jacob Wonderbar. He is a sixth-grader , and his teacher is Ms.Banks. When he is at school he always have tricks
to trick the subsitute that Ms .Banks gives his class. Until one day Ms. Banks gives a new subsitute to her class, Ms.Pinkerton.
See by her name she looks mean,right? Now Jacob cannot do his famous tricks when he tries it on this Pinkerton. So later that
evening his friends Sarah Daisy and Dexter Goldstein play with him until ,a man comes to his neighborhood and says he will
give the keys to his spaceship if someone gives him a corndog. Bad trade,right? So that 's just the beginning. Then exploring
the spaceship even gets worse when they get it on and test it. while reading the book you will find lots of things from Mick
Cracken to the Planet Paisley. So get ready readers for amazing blast-offed adventure with Jacob Wonderbar!
Why read it?:
1. If you like science in space you will love reading this book , because it will have lots of things in "space".
his book to your
2. Second , if you are a boy and get in to trouble this might be a book for you because Jacob Wonderbar usually get into trouble a lot.
3. Adventurous? Jacob is so adventurous. That is how he got into this space non-sense. You'll love this book if you like taking hikes
or you in boy or girl scouts. L
4. Want a laugh? Well here is a book for you from " What you are prince of space?" to" Ms Banks you Itake vacation here? "
5. Want 7.0 points for Accelerated Reader ( AR ) well read the book and get points BIG Time!
6. If you love to read fiction books , Jacob Wonderbar and the Cosmic Space Kapow , is fiction. Maybe it is time to add to your
need-to-read-book-list .
to read book list
Great job Michael! LOL Mommy and Papa
Nice book opinions!!
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