Monday, September 24, 2012

Batter Up!

Batter Up!
Step by step. I nervously approached the batter’s box. My legs felt like jelly with each step. I spread my feet shoulder length apart. I gripped my hands around the cold metal bat with all my might. I crouch down, bending my knees just enough to have a little spring. Bringing the bat over my right shoulder about 6 inches above it, I bend my elbow and get ready! To my left in the diamond, stands the pitcher on the mound. He lifts his leg, winds up, and throws.  I see a white round circle with stitches coming towards me as fast as lightning bolt.  I thrash my arms forward.  “Strike One!” the umpire bellowed. My heart sank. I prepared myself again. The pitcher winds up. Within seconds, I hear a smack. It sounded like the 4th of July. The ball went soaring through the air.  Over the first tree, over the fence, and it was gone. The crowd goes wild! HOME RUN!


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