Since most completed vocabulary already, and we could all use some extra reading practice, AND they are getting off early tomorrow, please complete pages 25-28 in the Bluebook.
I graduated from Texas A&M in 2007. I have been married for 4 years and love living back in the Houston area. I have a doberman named Gino who has more personality than I can handle at times. I love to shop, read, and exercise. I am starting my 6th year of teaching and look forward to another great school year.
By: Nathan Bransford Summary By: Michael Fernandez Who: Meet Jacob Wonderbar. He is a sixth-grader , and his teacher is Ms.Banks. When he i...
Week of Feb 3-8
12/3- Pustejovky’s Class Skating
12/4- Chick-Fil-A Night
12/4- Futura Spanish Class 3:15-4:15
12/4- Girl Scout Meeting 6:15pm
12/6- Science District Assessment
12/6- Mad Science Class 3:15-4:15
12/7- Sienna Montessori Holiday
Program 6:30-9:30pm
12/10- PTA Board Meeting 8:30am
12/11- Futura Spanish Class 3:15-4:15
12/11- Cub Scout Meeting 6:45pm
12/13- Mad Science Class 3:15-4:15
12/13- Dads & Desserts 6:30-7:30pm
12/14- Kona Ice 2:30pm
12/18- Pepperoni’s Night!
12/18- Futura Spanish Class 3:15-4:15
12/20- “Holiday in Sharkville”
12/20- 4th and 5th Grade Science Fair Parent Info Night
12/20- Holiday Program 6:00pm
12/21- Holiday Program 1:15
12/21- Holiday Party 2:00-3:0012/21- End of 2nd 9 Weeks
Wish List
Throughout the year we go through a plentiful of supplies. If you would like to donate any of the items below, it would be greatly appreciated. :)
-Small Pencil Sharpeners
-Colored Card stock
-Small items for treasure box
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