Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Narrative by Mrs. Clark's Class

The announcements began and I knew we were in for it.
The 8:00am morning bell rang in our ears. It was time to start an ordinary Wednesday. We all hustled into the classroom like football players charging the field. The projector displayed Schiff Fins TV loud and proud. Students quickly began to swarm Mrs. Clark like bees in a hive. “Sit down students, wait until after the announcements! She shouted.”  I could smell the fresh cologne of SteVonte sitting right next to me. He must have showered this time. The announcements began.
          After the pledge and moment of silence the Top Shark of the Sea, also known as MRS. BREWSTER, approached the screen.  She declared she had a special announcement. My heart pounded. What could this announcement be? Were we getting a pool at our school? Did the STAAR test get canceled? She glared into the video camera and grew real serious. I knew it was about to be something good.  The other students seemed as anxious as I was. What could it be? I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.  Then Mrs. Brewster began. “Schiff Sharks…the results are in…” I was biting my nails to the numb. “We have a top winner of the Box Tops.”  Oh my gosh! Could it be us? I pondered. I was determined not to get my hopes up. “The winner is…. MRs. Clark’s class!” The class erupted in a roar of applause. We jumped out of our seats like fireworks on the Fourth of July!
          This day I received a special gift. The gift of winning the box tops.  I felt as if I could do anything. I learned that if you keep you head on your shoulders set a goal for yourself, you can achieve anything!


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