December 6, 2011
Dear Parents,
During the winter, Fort Bend elementary schools will conduct their annual science fairs. The most outstanding projects will be showcased and honored at the district Elementary Science Exposition.
Fourth and fifth grade students will be participating in their school’s fair. Best of Division winners from the schools will be invited to display their projects at the district Elementary Science Exposition.
Please read and discuss this information carefully with your child. It is important that students meet and follow all criteria and guidelines. The science projects should show the student’s interest and workmanship. Parents are encouraged to support but not participate in their student’s project.
Students are strongly encouraged to purchase project boards ASAP because these will become scarce as students across the district will be working on projects at the same time.
A completed science fair project must include a lab report. Once you have decided on a question or problem to investigate, have identified the variables to be tested, and have formulated a hypothesis, the next step is to design an investigation. The information that describes your investigation and the results of the investigation are recorded in a lab report. A lab report should include the following information:
- A title that tells what the investigation is about
- The question that you are trying to answer
- The hypothesis of the investigation
- The experimental procedure is step-by-step directions telling how to perform the experiment. The procedure should identify the manipulated, controlled, and responding variables. Materials used in the investigation should be listed, and how many times the test will be repeated, or how long it will last should be specified.
- The results are the data (measurements or observations) that you collect during the investigation. Sometimes it is best to display the information in a graph.
- A conclusion should state whether or not the hypothesis was supported.
- The investigation may lead to questions for further study. Maybe the hypothesis was confirmed, but the investigation raises a set of new questions. If the hypothesis was not confirmed, maybe the experiment could be changed in some way.
As previously stated, the Best of Division project winners will have the opportunity to display their projects in the district Elementary Science Exposition. Should your child’s project qualify for this exposition, you will be contacted in writing.
The Science Fair Committee
The Scientific Method must be followed.
• 1. Question
• 2. Hypothesis
• 3. Make Predictions
• 4. Perform Experiment
• 5. List Results
• 6. State Conclusion
• 7.***No MODELS will be accepted.
• Ex: A model of the human heart does not TEST anything. A test must be conducted.
• 8. Your project display should be neat, well organized, and self-explanatory.
• 9. The materials to construct your display may be hardboard, cardboard, thins sheets of plywood, cork board, or a commercially bought display board.
• 10. There is no minimum size for the display.
• 11. Maximum display size set up is limited to:
Front to Back- 30 inches
Side to Side- 36 inches
Top to Bottom- 36 inches
• 1. Liquids, food, accessible chemicals (including household products), gases, or open flames may not be displayed. Wrappers may be used on displays instead.
• 2. Controlled or illegal substances, including drugs, alcohol, or tobacco may not be displayed.
• 3. We are asking that there be NO experimentation with live animals.
• 4. Micro-organisms, molds, or fungi cultures may not be displayed. Pictures may be used instead.
• 5. Knives or any other sharp objects may not be displayed. Use plastic items instead of glass ones when possible.
• 6. Liquids may not be displayed. They may be simulated by using unflavored gelatin or blue plastic wrap, etc.
Science Fair Day
• Judging will take place on Friday, January 27, 2012 here at Jan Schiff. Ribbons will be awarded on that day.
• If you are interested in being a judge, please contact your child’s teacher.
• Parents are welcome to judge projects in grade levels that they do not have a child in. (Just to keep it fair J)
• Every child that participates is a winner!!!
• Students will be awarded, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, as well as Honorable Mention
• 3 projects will be selected to be showcased at the district competition
• Two 5th grade projects and One 4th grade project will be sent to the EXPO.